Nikki Haley on Donald trump

Haley Expresses Doubts: Will Trump ‘Abide by the Constitution’ as President?

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley raised doubts about whether Donald Trump would uphold the Constitution if elected president again during an interview with NBC News’ “Meet the Press” on Friday.

“I don’t know. I mean, you always want to think someone will, but I don’t know,” Haley expressed, citing concerns over Trump’s rhetoric about seeking “revenge” or “retribution” in a potential second term.

Haley’s remarks, just days ahead of Super Tuesday, where she faced challenges in the GOP presidential primary, underscored Trump’s growing dominance within the Republican Party as he moves closer to securing the presidential nomination.

The former ambassador has been critical of Trump’s actions surrounding the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol, condemning his characterization of the event as “a beautiful day” and his continued claims of victory in the 2020 election.

“I don’t think there should ever be a president that’s above the law. I don’t think that there should ever be a president that has total immunity to do whatever they want to do,” Haley emphasized.

Concerns about potential “retribution” from Trump against critics have been mounting among both Republicans and Democrats. Haley’s comments came in the wake of the Supreme Court’s announcement that it will consider whether Trump can claim immunity from criminal prosecution over charges related to election interference.

If the court rules in favor of immunity, federal charges against Trump, including conspiracy to defraud the U.S. and conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, could be dismissed.

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