Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley Firmly Rejects Third-Party Bid with No Labels

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley made it clear on Friday that she has no intentions of pursuing a third-party bid alongside No Labels, despite what she described as signals of interest from the group. In a candid discussion with a select group of reporters in Washington, Haley emphasized her commitment to the Republican Party and expressed skepticism about aligning herself with a Democratic running mate under the No Labels banner.

“I’m a Republican,” Haley asserted during the hour-long conversation, addressing the prospect of a No Labels bid. “If I were to do No Labels, that would require a Democrat. I can’t do what I wanted to express with the Democrats.”

Haley emphasized her belief in pursuing endeavors that align with her principles and vision for the country. She expressed doubts about her ability to execute a No Labels campaign in a manner that truly reflects her values, suggesting that such a move would make the endeavor more about her personally than about the nation’s direction.

Her remarks come at a crucial juncture as No Labels delegates prepare to convene virtually on March 8 to determine whether to proceed with a presidential campaign. Despite suggestions from the group that they could field a ticket comprising a Republican and an independent rather than a Democrat, Haley remained resolute in her stance.

While Haley has been actively engaged in the Republican primary race, she faces a formidable challenge from former President Donald Trump, particularly heading into Super Tuesday on March 5, a pivotal date on the 2024 nominating calendar.

Addressing questions about the duration of her presidential bid, Haley refrained from specifying an endpoint, indicating her determination to continue as long as she remains competitive.

“I don’t know that I’m ending my bid for president,” Haley remarked. “If you’re in the race, the last thing you think about is not being in the race.”

Despite the uncertainties surrounding her campaign, Haley has been vigorously campaigning in Super Tuesday states and conducting extensive fundraising efforts. When pressed about the purpose of her fundraising, particularly in light of her hesitance to commit beyond Super Tuesday, Haley emphasized the encouragement and support she receives from her backers, underscoring their collective desire for her to persevere in the race.

“They don’t ask me, ‘What’s your strategy?’ They don’t ask me, ‘What’s your plan?’” Haley remarked regarding her supporters. “All they say is, ‘Thank you for giving me hope. … What they do say is, ‘Keep fighting.’”

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